Teruna Jaya dance depict a volatile and moody character of a young man, featuring a powerful expression, full of emotion, and behavior to attract attention of a women. The dance comes from Buleleng Regency (North Bali), was first invented in 1915 by dance artists Pan Wandres in the form of "Kebyar Legong", later refined by I Gede Manik in 1950s.
Teruna Jaya is categorized as "hard-man" or un-refined dance. This dance was created using the accompaniment of Gong Kebyar, so often called Kekebyaran dance. The dance is classified as "Balih-balihan", as dance performances to entertain the audience. The dance can be performed in the temple yard, field or stage.
The accompaniment music is a part that cannot be separated from the dance itself. Teruna Jaya accompanied by gamelan Gong Kebyar, is played in earnest as to create harmony and beauty. The tempo accompaniment that used in Teruna Jaya, is adjusted to the tempo of dance movement or vice versa. Tempo on Truna Jaya dance includes slow, medium and fast tempo.

Teruna Jaya dance movements are very energetic, intricate, and the dance is quite difficult to do, especially to show the character that matches the theme of the dance. Although classified as a hard-man dance, but dance is usually performed by women. Most of this dance performed with a single dancer (danced by one person), but sometimes also performed with twin dancer (danced by two persons).

The makeup and costume are important part of dance performance. The makeup is used to give shape and accentuation of facial lines in accordance with the character of the dance. While the costumes are made so attractive to captivate the audience's attention. Teruna Jaya using purple-colored "udeng" or head dress, which is formed in such a way and using golden gonjer flowers, made it so unique and beautiful.
In the middle, the dancer wearing a purple-colored shirt covering arms up to the wrist, and using kana bracelet on the arm and wrist. In the shoulder using a "simping" made of leather (like the Legong dance) and in the neck using a taper badong. In the abdomen using a long yellow scarf, while ampok-ampok is worn at the waist. "Tutup dada" worn to provide accent and cover the gap between yellow cloths wrapped around the torso and "simping" on the shoulder.
Dancers wearing "kamen prada", a long purple-colored cloth with golden motifs of prada. The tip of kamen prada on the left side of the dancers is left free, so-called "kancut". At a certain moment in the dance movements, the dancer hand will hold the kancut, which raises the colors and motifs of traditional Balinese that are so beautiful and riveting. The dancers also use the property in the form of "kepet" or fan made of cloth with golden motifs (prada).
- google.co.id
- worldartswest.org _ Teruna Jaya (Victorious Youth) _ on September 8, 2016
http://worldartswest.org/main/edf_performer.asp?i=5 - Keluarga Kesenian Bali (KKB) Githa Saraswati, Otten 15, Bandung
- Image : Original Collection
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